end of summer

After days of mostly cool breezy autumn weather, I'm giving in.  Summer is over.

To close the season, I regularly admire the stand of sunflowers  at the back of the house by the shed that greats us when we come from the driveway.  They love it there, obviously by the way they have flourished, and next year I'll probably plant three times as many and more varieties right there.  Even though it is the end of summer, they keep blooming and spinning (slow as the sun moves of course) tall and proud.  

The thimbleberries that we planted last year grew big and strong which makes me believe they love their location too, but they didn't produce any fruit. It's okay, we just have more to learn there.  Maybe we simply need to give them more time.  They say the third year they really mature, so we'll see!  I hope they pay off big when they do - Bruce might bake them into a pie!


trena said...

I had thimbleberries for the first time on Isle Royale this summer - sooo tasty1

Tonette Time said...

hopefully next year, we can supply you with a whole patch! ;)