
That is code for catching up.  My Mom used it, somehow, when I was a kid, but don't ask me to explain it.  But that is what I am doing.

The Burbank trip was successful for the TBG Project.  We shot a lot and all of the coordinating and event planning went off without a hitch.  I even got a touching Thank-you phone call from the main subject when I got home.  A lot of good stuff there.

The Art Crit class went super last week but was just plain work last night.  Ick. More on that later, I guess.

Details aside, the bottom line is that I am beat.  Spent.  So, now I am taking time to renew myself.

Last night, after class, instead of grading or paying bills or whatever, I made a white chili recipe that I jotted down on the back of a receipt in a Dr.'s office a week or so ago. I just got the skeleton of the recipe, which has chicken and cannellini beans and is pretty simple, which are always the recipes I love the most.  It turned out phenomenal - tasty and satisfying to make. I love to fill my house with the smell of cooked onions.  It represents a savory start. Simple. Healthy. Just plain good.   

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