
I see blogging like thinking out loud with witnesses.    
I maintain an artful independent living doing several things.  I make movies, iPhone apps, and other fun things with Bruce Tribbensee at salty snack studios.  I also remodel old houses. Sometimes I teach, too.  I make things with my hands, as well as virtually, and my process heavily involves elements of time.  And I travel a fair bit.

tonette time is a place where I process ideas and chronicle my observations on the balancing act of time, creativity, technology and aesthetics.  

Missoula, Montana 2012

Tonette is a nickname. My name is Toni Matlock.  In 1992, I moved West from the Midwest; currently I live in Montana.  I am an artist  trained in painting, drawing, sculpture and fiber arts. After years dedicated to works of the hand, I swerved into technology. Now, I incorporate light, sound, and video into my sculpture and installations.   

If you follow me here, as peers, friends, or  potential friends, I encourage you to share your experiences on this balance as well as prop me up, push me along or simply stay current with me.  

Grazie mille!

Chicago 2010
P.S. I'm gradually updating my art website, so please visit tonimatlock.com, too.